Month: December 2009

  • Just thought I'd update everyone...

    Hey there!

    For those of you who're subscribed to my Xanga, either via RSS or through email, I just thought I'd drop in and explain what's up.  As I noted once or twice in previous blog posts, and as is obvious for anyone who follows me on Twitter or knows me on Facebook, ...I'm blogging at from now on.

    It's ironic, really, because I actually switched (to wordpress) for business reasons, SEO to be precise.  And the ironic part is, my Xanga is quite good at coming up in Google searches...  In fact I've gotten quite a few wedding inquiries from couples who found me through this blog.  And to ice the cake, apparently you can now adapt your Xanga URL to be whatever you want it to be, so I could have turned this into or easily.  Oh well, I've already made the switch and put lots of effort into customizing the new wordpress blog, so I guess that's the direction my business will go.

    However I've enabled friends lock here for this blog, and I'm REALLY considering taking advantage of such privacy to post my personal thoughts and opinions.  I send all my clients to, so I have to keep it professional.  Wow, I can't even remember the last time I blogged about something other than images.  That's really interesting.  Remember when I blogged on "Icrashonmyface"?  I better go apply friends lock to that Xanga, too.  I've been blogging since 2003, wow!

    Anyway...  I'll post a couple recent images, but please do head over to the new blog if you're interested in continuing to subscribe to my photo blog.  Unfortunately I post mostly portraits and wedding photos these days, so that can get kinda boring after a while if you're not into that kinda stuff, but as business gets more stable and I get more free time, I've been able to get out and shoot landscapes here and there. 

    (By the way, these are previously un-blogged images, so I'm treating my Xanga friends to a first look!    Heck, I dunno if people are still reading this blog, but if you are, enjoy...

    Take care, and THANK YOU for reading!  The internet, and Xanga at the very beginning of it all, has honestly accounted for 90+ percent of the friends and photographers I associate with today, in one way or another...  Really...
