Month: June 2009

  • ...And Joy's mother's kitten!

    Joy is allergic to cats.  But Joy and her family, especially her mother, adore anything small and furry.  (As my previous blog post should have made clear...)

    So anyways, long story short, as soon as Joy moved out into our apartment, Joy's mother went and got a kitten.  It is incredibly cute!

    I know it is one of the seven deadly sins that a photographer can commit, but I can't resist posting some cute, shallow-DOF-y shots of "Lilly"...  So, bear with me people!

    BTW, these images were taken with a D300 and an 85mm f/1.4, wide open, with basically no post-processing applied save maybe a touch of "blacks" in Bridge.


    (Just a few weeks old in these photos.  Very curious...)

    (...And VERY prone to narcolepsy!!!)

    (Now, kitty is a few months old, and is allowed outside a little.)

  • A Peaceful Passing

    Today my cat Mordecai, who I've had almost my entire life, passed away.  I will miss him dearly.  He was about 95 or 100 in cat years, and he lived all nine of his lives to the absolute fullest.  He was the lion king of our backyard jungle.

    Sleep well,

    Nikon D70  -  Nikon 80-400 VR  -  360mm  -  1/80 sec.  -  f/5.6  -  ISO 500
    (Image taken in October 2004)