Month: May 2009

  • Recent "Getting Ready" Images...

    Here are a bunch of recent photos taken during some April / May wedding day preparations...  Enjoy!

    (Oh and I changed the colors on my blog.  Too drastic?  I'm trying to match my blog with my website / galleries...)

    Take care,

    (Nikon D300, Sigma 50-150 2.8, ambient light.  The rim light is from a window.)
    I *almost* rejected this shot, but then I noticed there was still detail in her face...

    (One mirror is always fun, but TWO!  Oh, boy, now *this* is wonnnnderful!)

    (I love this shot!  Never really got a shot like this before.  Bride's on her cell phone, too.  )

    (I always love the father of the bride.  ...Not saying I don't love the mother!  I just love the moments between daddy & daughter...  )

    (F/1.4 bouquet shot...)

    (Have I mentioned lately how much I love f/1.4?)

    (Using two different doorways for some trippy focus!)

    (Father of the bride, gotta snap a picture!)

    (Ready!  Everyone is always so beautiful + cute on a wedding day...  I know it sounds cheesy for a guy to say, but I'm being sincere...)

  • Wedding in Virginia Today...

    In a few hours I'll be shooting a wedding here in Virginia.  (If anybody would like to help me pray for no rain, I'd be much obliged and so would the B&G!!!)

    Yesterday I was in town for a bit of get-to-know-each-other-time, and it was awesome.  I have to say, Grace and David have beautiful taste in wedding rings!  Don't believe me?  Luckily, when I travel I bring *TWO* camera bags and thus can afford to pack my awesome Sigma 150mm macro lens...

    The engagement ring is an heirloom.  Truly gorgeous, eh?  I'm a total sucker for minute details, I guess...

    These shots were made using my gorillapod, attached to the lens' tripod shoe.  Nice and stable!  I had to use a timer and mirror-shutter delay to get perfect sharpness, since I was shooting 100% ambient light.  I just love the transition from cool, (5000K) window light and warm (3000K) indoor light, and I always take advantage of it wherever I can find it!  If you pick the right WB, (4000K-ish?) gives you this golden light effect that I just love!

    Alright take care all!  I'm going to put the "I'm working, DND" card on my hotel room door, ...and then take a nap!  (Hey, gotta be fresh and energized for the wedding!)

  • Theater Photography

    Wow, I thoroughly enjoy a technical challenge.  In fact, there may be nothing more satisfying than "performing" in an absolutely abysmal condition. 

    Which is why I thoroughly enjoy shooting children's theater, and refuse to give it up as a "side job" as my career grows, changes shape, etc.  All the greatest experts at being successful and making lots of money will tell you to to specialize in one thing only, and that being a "jack of all trades" will cap your potential success.  But I also say that you gotta have FUN every now and then, even at work.  Make time for the things you simply *WANT* to do.  Also, you gotta keep yourself challenged, you gotta keep your skills sharp.

    That's what children's theater is for me.  I can challenge myself, while also shooting something I really love.  A few times a year, I step into a pitch black theater, take off all the straps from my cameras, and set them to some of the craziest and dangerous settings / modes thinkable.  It keeps me on my feet! It makes wedding photography seem like a walk in the park, from a technical standpoint.  And most importantly, it keeps my ego in check, every time I drop the ball.  And trust me, I drop the ball a lot.  I have yet to come away from an event NOT thinking "I can totally do better next time!"  (Wait is that a double negative?  No I think it's okay.  Ehh you get the point.  There's always room for improvement.)

    Alright I'm going to go to bed early now, it's only 3 AM!  Normally I can't blog any of my children's theater work, for the privacy of the cast and a courtesy to parents, not to mention copyright laws.  But this shot will be a full-page spread in a local performing arts magazine, so I begged and was given permission to share.  Enjoy a frame from South Bay Conservatory's production of "The Mikado"!!!

    Take care,

    Nikon D300  -  Sigma 50-150  -  50mm  -  f/2.8  -  1/350 sec.  -  ISO 640
    Aperture priority, -2/3 comp, spot metering, auto-ISO, WB 3000K, JPG.
    (Straight out of the camera, with a touch of black-point compensation.)

  • Wedding in Redondo Beach!!!!

    I'm so sorry for not blogging in so many days!  I've been just a LITTLE busy.  In fact I logged over 40 hours of SOLID SHOOTING last week.  I mean, camera-in-hand, clicking the shutter, for 40 hours.  Shot approximately 7,700 images, and I'm a conservative shooter!  And of course everybody knows how many hours of back-end work goes into each hour of photography.

    So anyways, I'm getting through it.  Shot with some really exciting people, light, and locations...  I'll blog again, when I can, but don't wait on the edge of your seat!  Got weddings every single weekend here for a while so I'm not going to be online much at all till, um, ...October?

    Take care!

    Nikon D300  -  Nikon 17-55  -  17mm  -  f/2.8  -  1/500 sec.  -  ISO 200
    Manual exposure, (under-exposed a bit) manual Kelvin WB, 5600K, RAW.
    Wireless SB800 @ right commanded (M, 1/1) via pop-up, with Lightsphere.
    Anything else?  Oh, I burned and dodged a lot.  To place emphasis on subjects.